Evolve Symposiums
What is a symposium?
Symposiums are much smaller than a conference. Smaller groups of people come together to learn about a certain topic, fewer guests allow for an exchange of ideas, thoughts or even concerns between attendees and symposium presenters.
Evolve Symposiums are held bi-monthly on a range of important business topics. The 2023-2024 series includes:
- Are You Time Challenged?
- Are You Sales Challenged?
- Are You Marketing Challenged?
- Do You Know Your USP?
- Is Your Business Optimized For Growth?
- Is Your Business Using Systems To Save Time & Money?
- Do You Know Which Products Are Making You Money?
- 5 Ways To Increase Your Leads And Sales By 61%
- 6 Steps To Mastering Your Business
Each symposium is 4 hours long and includes lunch, refreshments & lively discussion! They are packed full of vital information, interactive conversations, breakout groups and worksheets. To maximize the learning from each the capacity of each is capped at 20 business owners.
To learn about upcoming symposiums, click here.
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“When we first started working together, Keith helped me set goals for my business. He has then coached me on putting systems in place and held me accountable on a regular basis to show progress toward those goals.”
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– Paul, HVAC Company